Supplementary Material
Container element for a description of, and possibly a pointer to,
external resources that support the standards document, but which are not part of the content of the standard.
Defining Supplementary Material: Supplemental material
is used to add detail, background, or context to a standards document by providing, for example, multimedia objects such as audio clips and applets; additional XML-tagged sections, tables,
or figures; raw data in a spreadsheet; or a software application in a repository. Supplementary
material includes resources such as the following:
- Voluminous material (such as a materials database or the multiple data sets behind a standard that references the highlights of those datasets) that supports the conclusions of the narrative but can never accompany a standard based on sheer mass;
- “Extra” tables that do not display with the work, but that record the measurements on which the standard is based;
- Adjunctive material, for example: X-rays, blue prints, guages, discs, etc. that cannot be included in the body of the standards document for physical reasons;
- Material added to the work for enhancement purposes, such as a quiz, an instructional video, the 3-minute version of the reaction that was described in the work with narrative and a few still images, a form that can be filled out or copied, or similar material; or
- A movie, MP3 file, or other binary material that is not directly part of the content of the standards document.
Contents of the Supplementary Material Element: The <supplementary-material> element does
not contain the supplementary object(s), even if the objects are expressed in XML;
supplementary objects are external to the XML standards document rather than part of
the XML standards document. The <supplementary-material> element contains
descriptions of the object(s), and it may also, but is not
required to, contain a pointer to the objects(s). For example, if the supplementary object is an additional
graphic, that graphic is described in the supplementary material but
not held there. The <graphic> element that is permissible inside
<supplementary-material> is intended for a description of an object,
not to hold the object. For example, a <supplementary-material>
element could contain a description of an animation, including the first
frame of the animation (tagged as a <graphic> element), a caption describing the
animation, and a cross-reference made to the external file that holds
the full animation.
Typing: The @mimetype attribute may be used to identify a file type for a <supplementary-material> element.
Model Description
The following, in order:
- <editing-instruction> Editing Instruction, zero or more
- <object-id> Object Identifier, zero or more
- <label> Label of a Figure, Reference, Etc., zero or one
- <caption> Caption of a Figure, Table, Etc., zero or one
- Any combination of:
- Accessibility Elements
- External Linking Elements
- Any combination of:
- <disp-formula> Formula, Display
- <disp-formula-group> Formula, Display Group
- <chem-struct-wrap> Chemical Structure Wrapper
- <fn-group> Footnote Group
- <fn> Footnote
- <disp-quote> Quote, Displayed
- <speech> Speech
- <statement> Statement, Formal
- <verse-group> Verse Form For Poetry
- <table-wrap> Table Wrapper
- <p> Paragraph
- Standards Note and Example Elements
- Lists
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- <array> Array (Simple Tabular Array)
- <code> Code Text
- <graphic> Graphic
- <media> Media Object
- <preformat> Preformatted Text
- Any combination of:
- Ownership Elements
This element may be contained in:
<ack>, <alternatives>, <app>, <app-group>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <disp-quote>, <glossary>, <index>, <index-div>, <index-group>, <license-p>, <named-content>, <non-normative-example>, <non-normative-note>, <normative-example>, <normative-note>, <notes>, <p>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <styled-content>, <term-display>, <term-sec>
<fig id="F1">...</fig>
<supplementary-material id="S1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
xlink:title="local_file" xlink:href="1471-2105-1-1-s1.pdf"
<label>Additional material</label>
<p>Supplementary PDF file supplied by authors.</p>
<p>RNAPs seem to have arisen twice in evolution
(see the <inline-supplementary-material
xlink:title="local_file" xlink:href="timeline">
Timeline</inline-supplementary-material>. A large
family of multisubunit RNAPs includes bacterial
enzymes, archeal enzymes, eukaryotic nuclear RNAPs,
plastid-encoded chloroplast RNAPs, and RNAPs from
some eukaryotic viruses. ...</p>