

Description of and pointer to an external file containing a still image.


When Content is a Form: The @is-form attribute can be used to indicate that the graphic contains a form. What constitutes a “form” is not defined by NISO STS.

Related Elements

The NISO STS Tag Sets contain several elements that describe and point to non-XML material: <graphic>, <inline-graphic>, <media>, <supplementary-material>, and <inline-supplementary-material>. The elements <graphic> and <inline-graphic> contain a pointer to a still image (such as a photograph, diagram, line drawing, etc.) that is part of the document. The element <media> contains a pointer to a non-XML, frequently binary, object (such as a movie, audio clip, dataset, or other non-XML format) that is integral to the document’s content, where  “integral” means that the media object is discussed within (and possibly displayed within) the document; the media object is part of the document.
In contrast, the elements <supplementary-material> and <inline-supplementary-material> are used to describe either XML material (such as figures, tables, and sections) or non-XML material (such as graphics, films, audio clips, datasets, or other material) that are considered to be “additional material” (non-integral) accompanying a document. Like <graphic>, <inline-graphic>, and <media>, the supplementary material elements never contain the object they describe, even if it is an XML object such as a figure, although they may point to it.
The element <inline-supplementary-material> is used to mark up a reference to additional material, where the reference appears within the regular flow of the text and does not have a preview image or separate caption. The <supplementary-material> element is used to describe a more complicated reference, where the description of the supplementary object resembles a figure in that it can be positioned as a floating or anchored object and may take a caption, including a title.
Best Practice: It is Best Practice to tag unlabeled graphic objects (no label such as “Figure 4.”) as <graphic>s, not as <fig> elements. A common test to determine whether an object is a <fig> versus a <graphic> is to ask, “If there were a List of Figures for this document, should this object appear in that list?”


Model Description

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

As part of a typical figure:
<sec id="s5_1">
 <title>Two approaches to addressing accessibility in 
 <p><xref ref-type="fig" rid="f1">Figure 1</xref> provides 
  a graphical summary of how this Guide can be used.</p>
 <fig id="f1" orientation="portrait" position="anchor">
  <label>Figure 1</label>
   <title>Two approaches to address accessibility in 
  <graphic xlink:href="g3658.jpg"/>

Example 2

Within a figure whose caption includes a table:
<sec id="annB.1.1">
 <title>Scanners with single axis reading diagram</title>
 <p>This category comprises all scanners with 
  a single, fixed reading beam ...</p>
 <fig id="fB.1">
  <label>Figure B.1</label>
   <title>Reading diagram for single-axis scanner</title>
       <tr><th align="center" colspan="2">Scanner with single 
        axis reading diagram</th></tr>
       <tr><th align="center">Parameter</th>
        <th align="center">Term</th></tr>
       <tr><td align="center">A</td>
        <td>minimum reading distance</td></tr>
       <tr><td align="center">B</td>
        <td>depth of field</td></tr>
       <tr><td align="center">R</td>
        <td>maximum reading distance</td></tr>
  <graphic position="anchor" xlink:href="f-b-1.png"/>