
Standards Document

The root element for the encoding of a standards document, such as a standard or an amendment.


Scope and Usage: Although designed for normative standards as published, revised, amended, etc. (including errata and corrigenda), this top-level element can be used to tag Guides, Technical Reports, and other standard-related documents that are not explicitly “standards”. If the model for a standard fits the other document type, such use is not a misuse of this Tag Set.
Parts of a Standards Document: A standard <standard> may be divided into several structural components.
  • The front matter for the standards document (<front>), which may contain:
  • The body of the standard (<body>), which contains the textual and graphical content of the standards document
  • Any back matter (<back>) such as annexes and reference lists.
Editing Instructions: This Tag Set has been designed to make it possible to tag a revising document such as an amendment, which may contain only a sentence of explanatory text (“Replace the first paragraph in Section 2.3.1 with the paragraph below.”) followed by a paragraph of standards prose. The element <editing-instruction> would hold the instructions, and the element <p> would hold the prose. Such a revising document could contain full standards metadata.

Related Elements

The NISO STS Tag Sets names two top-level elements that may be the document element (root element) for a standards document:
  • adoption: A standard adoption document (<adoption>) is a wrapper for one or more standards being adopted (<standard>) and some amount of adopting metadata, notes, and prose.
  • standard: A standards document (<standard>) contains a standard, amendment, corrigendum, errata, etc. as it is published.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:


  <sec sec-type="foreword">
  <sec sec-type="scope" id="s1">
   <p>This International Standard defines the test equipment 
    and procedures to be used ...</p>
   <app content-type="norm-annex" id="annA">
    <label>Annex A</label>
    <title>General operational requirements</title>
    <sec id="annA.1">
     <title>Installation, operation and maintenance 
      &mdash; general</title>
     <p>The manufacturer shall specify in documentation 
      provided for ...</p>