

An example with non-normative content that is integrated in the text of a standards document, used for giving additional information intended to assist the understanding or use of the standard.


An “example” in a standard may be either normative (<normative-example>) or non-normative (<non-normative-example>) and are typically labeled “Example” or similar.
ISO Note: There are no normative examples in ISO standards; all examples are non-normative (<non-normative-example>).


Model Description

This element may be contained in:


  <p>In this example, &#x201C;1&#x201D; is the LSB. The value of 
   this field is equivalent to the value of 1 in decimal notation.</p>
  <p>In this example, &#x201C;1&#x201D; is the MSB. The value of 
   this field is equivalent to the value of 16 in decimal notation.</p>