NISO STS Standard Metadata
This element is a container element for metadata specific to or produced by a standards-producing organization (such as ISO or an SDO) that is publishing or adopting a standard. This element contains any organization-specific overrides to the metadata described for the whole standards document (<std-doc-meta>) as well as the organization-specific metadata for one standards-producing organization.
Usage: This element is new in NISO STS, not derived from ISO STS. This tag suite retains the three metadata containers to hold standards organization metadata that were used in ISO-STS: <iso-meta> (metadata concerning ISO itself), <nat-meta> (metadata concerning an ISO-related national standards body), and <reg-meta> (metadata concerning an ISO-related regional standards body). The new NISO STS element <std-meta> may be used to describe:
- organizations such as SDOs that are not part of the ISO infrastructure and thus have never used any of the three ISO-related metadata elements, or
- any ISO-related standards organization, for which <std-meta> can replace any of the three ISO-related STS metadata container elements.
Design Concept: One of the goals of the original NISO STS effort was to produce a metadata model for standards documents that was less ISO-specific than the ISO-related metadata models (<iso-meta>, <reg-meta>, and <nat-meta>). Design goals for this new metadata model (<std-meta>) included the following.
- The model for <std-meta> should be enabling not enforcing. This means that organizations desiring tighter control will need to create a more restrictive subset or restrict content in another processing layer, for example, using Schematron.
- The new metadata model must not interfere with current ISO STS processing; any document valid to ISO STS 1.1 should still be valid to current NISO STS.
Model Description
The following, in order:
- <title-wrap> Title Wrapper, zero or more
- <proj-id> ISO-Specific Project Identifier, zero or one
- <release-version> Release-Version, zero or one
- <std-ident> Standard Identification Block, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- <content-language> Content Language, zero or more
- <std-ref> Standard Reference Designation, zero or more
- <doc-ref> Document Reference Designation, zero or one
- <pub-date> Publication Date, zero or one
- <release-date> Release-Date, zero or more
- <meta-date> Other Metadata Date, zero or more
- <wi-number> Work Item Number, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- <accrediting-organization> Accrediting Organization, zero or one
- <authorization> Authorization, zero or one
- <secretariat> Secretariat, zero or more
- Any combination of:
- <subj-group> Subject Group, zero or more
- <page-count> Page Count, zero or one
- <counts> Counts, zero or one
- <is-proof> Document in Proof Stage?, zero or one
- <std-xref> Cross-Reference to a Standard, zero or more
- <release-version-id> ISO-Specific Release Version ID, zero or one
- <permissions> Permissions, zero or more
- <self-uri> Uri For This Same Article Online, zero or more
- <abstract> Abstract, zero or more
- <kwd-group> Keyword Group, zero or more
- <meta-note> Metadata Note, zero or more
- <custom-meta-group> Custom Metadata Group, zero or more
This element may be contained in:
<main>Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators</main>
<subtitle>Includes Requirements for Elevators, Escalators, Dumbwaiters, Moving
Walks, Material Lifts, and Dumbwaiters With Automatic Transfer Devices</subtitle>
<full>Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators: Includes Requirements for
Elevators,Escalators, Dumbwaiters, Moving Walks, Material Lifts, and
Dumbwaiters With Automatic Transfer Devices</full>
<std-id-group std-relationship-type="std-as-published">
<std-id std-id-type="dated">ASME A17.1-2013/CSA B44-13</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="dated" std-id-link-type="doi">10.1115/ASME A17.1-2013/CSA B44-13</std-id>
<std-id-group std-relationship-type="std-as-published">
<std-id std-id-type="undated">ASME A17.1/CSA B44</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="undated" std-id-link-type="doi">10.1115/ASME A17.1/CSA B44</std-id>
<std-id-group originator="ASME" std-relationship-type="std-series">
<std-id std-id-type="title">Elevators and Escalators</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="short">A17</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="short" std-id-link-type="doi">10.1115/ASME.A17</std-id>
<std-id-group originator="CSA" std-relationship-type="std-alt-as-published">
<std-id std-id-type="dated">CSA B44-13</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="dated" std-id-link-type="doi">10.XYZ/CSA.B44-13</std-id>
<isbn originator="ASME" publication-format="print">978-0-7918-6857-7</isbn>
<isbn originator="CSA" publication-format="print">978-1-77139-312-6</isbn>
<std-org std-org-level="1" std-org-role="co-producer" std-org-type="sdo">
<std-org-name>American Society of Mechanical Engineers</std-org-name>
><addr-line>2 Park Ave.</addr-line>
<city>New York</city>
<std-org std-org-level="2" std-org-role="co-producer" std-org-type="sdo">
<std-org-name>CSA Group</std-org-name>
><addr-line>5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100</addr-line>
<postal-code>L4W 5N6</postal-code>
<release-date date-type="published" std-type="revised"
iso-8601-date="2013-10-21">October 21, 2013</release-date>
<meta-date type="date-of-issuance" iso-8601-date="2013-10-21">October 21, 2013</meta-date>
<comm-ref-group level="1">
<comm-ref-group level="2">
<comm-ref>STANDARDS COMMITTEE</comm-ref>
<comm-ref-group level="3">
<comm-ref>Honorary Members</comm-ref>
<comm-ref>Regulatory Advisory Council</comm-ref>
<subj-group subj-group-type="ASME">
<subject>power driven stairways</subject>
<subject>hoisting and lowering mechanisms</subject>
<subj-group subj-group-type="UNSPSC">
<compound-subject-part content-type="code">24101601</compound-subject-part>
<compound-subject-part content-type="value">Elevators</compound-subject-part>
<compound-subject-part content-type="code">73161516</compound-subject-part>
<compound-subject-part content-type="value">Lifting or hoisting or conveying
equipment manufacture services</compound-subject-part>
<count count-type="form" count="4"/>
<fig-count count="18"/>
<table-count count="7"/>
<equation-count count="12"/>
<ref-count count="24"/>
<page-count count="660"/>
<std-xref type="revision_of">
<std-id std-id-type="dated">ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-10</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="dated"
std-id-link-type="doi">10.1115/ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-10</std-id>
<copyright-statement>ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.</copyright-statement>
<copyright-holder>THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS</copyright-holder>
<p>Major changes for the 2013 edition include: Requirements for wind ...</p>