ISO-specific Language Designation
For ISO-related processing, this element indicates the set of official ISO language(s) used in this document.
Best Practice: NISO STS Best Practice is to use the <content-language> element inside <std-ident> to record this information.
The <language> element may be used only inside
<doc-ident> within the three ISO-related standards metadata elements: <iso-meta>,
<reg-meta>, or <nat-meta>. The element is
retained for backwards-compatibility purposes.
ISO Note: The content of this <language> element is one or more of the ISO 639 two-letter codes for the official languages used in the document. In ISO processing, only one <language> element is allowed
in an ISO standards document; however, many languages may be used in a standards document. Legal content for an ISO monolingual
<language> element should be one of the following:
“en”, “fr”, “ru”, “es”, and “ar”.
Since there must be a single <language> element, ISO bilingual standards documents use a comma-separated list (with no whitespace) between the
comma separated values, to name the languages, for example:
“en,fr”, “en,ru”, or “fr,ru”.
For ISO trilingual documents, use a comma-separated list (with no whitespace) between the
comma separated values, for example:
Model Description
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
This element may be contained in:
<title-wrap xml:lang="en">...</title-wrap>