Standards Document Metadata
A container element for metadata that pertains to the entire standards document. By design, the elements inside <std-doc-meta> are the elements that all the standards organizations share. Any element within <std-doc-meta> may be overridden by placing the same element within any of the four organization-specific metadata elements: <std-meta>, <iso-meta>, <reg-meta>, or <nat-meta>.
Avoid Recording Information Redundantly: The element <std-doc-meta> was created because of a desire to reduce duplication of metadata information within a standards document. For example, if the abstract(s) (<abstract>) for a standard are the same for all versions of the metadata (inside both <iso-meta> and <reg-meta>, for example), then the <abstract> element can be placed inside <std-doc-meta> and not placed within the ISO or Regional standards body metadata. In the same vein, if a National standards body has its own unique abstract, that <abstract> will be placed inside the National standards body metadata (<nat-meta>).
Model Description
The following, in order:
- <title-wrap> Title Wrapper, zero or more
- <release-version> Release-Version, zero or one
- <std-ident> Standard Identification Block, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- <content-language> Content Language, zero or more
- <std-ref> Standard Reference Designation, zero or more
- <doc-ref> Document Reference Designation, zero or one
- <pub-date> Publication Date, zero or one
- <release-date> Release-Date, zero or more
- <meta-date> Other Metadata Date, zero or more
- Any combination of:
- <accrediting-organization> Accrediting Organization, zero or one
- <authorization> Authorization, zero or one
- <secretariat> Secretariat, zero or more
- Any combination of:
- <subj-group> Subject Group, zero or more
- <page-count> Page Count, zero or one
- <counts> Counts, zero or one
- <is-proof> Document in Proof Stage?, zero or one
- <std-xref> Cross-Reference to a Standard, zero or more
- <permissions> Permissions, zero or more
- <self-uri> Uri For This Same Article Online, zero or more
- <abstract> Abstract, zero or more
- <kwd-group> Keyword Group, zero or more
- <meta-note> Metadata Note, zero or more
- <custom-meta-group> Custom Metadata Group, zero or more
This element may be contained in:
The <title-wrap> elements apply to the DIN <std-meta>, the CEN <std-meta>, and the ISO <iso-meta>. Each layer of the document has its own <std-ref>, for example:
<!-- DIN adoption of CEN standard -->
<!-- Metadata that is the same for all of the organizations that developed or adopted
this standard -->
<title-wrap xml:lang="de">
<intro>Sicherheit von Maschinen</intro>
<main>Sicherheitsbezogene Teile von Steuerungen</main>
<title-wrap xml:lang="en">
<intro>Safety of machinery</intro>
<main>Safety-related parts of control systems</main>
<compl>Part 1: General principles for design</compl>
<full>Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General principles
for design — English version of DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008-12</full>
<title-wrap xml:lang="fr">
<intro>Sécurité des machines</intro>
<main>Parties des systèmes de commande relatives à la sécurité</main>
<std-meta id="profile.nat">
<std-ref type="undated">DIN EN ISO 13849-1</std-ref>
<doc-ref>DIN EN ISO 13849-1</doc-ref>
<sec sec-type="foreword" specific-use="foreword.nat">
<title>National foreword</title>
<p>This standard includes ...</p>
<!-- CEN adopted ISO standard -->
<std-meta id="profile.reg">
<std-ref type="undated">EN ISO 13849-1</std-ref>
<doc-ref>EN ISO 13849-1</doc-ref>
<sec sec-type="foreword" specific-use="foreword.reg">
<!-- The ISO standard that was adopted by CEN and then by DIN -->
<iso-meta id="profile.int">
<std-ref type="undated">ISO 13849-1</std-ref>
<doc-ref>ISO 13849-1</doc-ref>