
Postal Code: in an Address

A postal number such as a zip-code or postal code used to address physical mail.


This element is typically part of an address. NISO STS organizations may or may not choose to tag to this level of granularity.

Related Elements

An address (<address>) element contains a postal address and/or other contact information such as company or organization name. If an address is divided into lines, the lines can be preserved using the <addr-line> element. Typically, the <addr-line> element holds one physical or logical line of an address, containing undifferentiated portions of an address such as organization names, street addresses, post box numbers, building numbers, mailstops, etc. They are called “lines” because addresses are frequently divided onto multiple lines, and this encoding allows that fact to be preserved. If the address is just a block of undifferentiated text, numbers, or special characters, the entire address may be placed inside a single <addr-line> element.
There are several ways to tag an address: An address element (<address>) does not contain any text, only lower-level address elements.


Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

As part of an address:
<p>... Written requests supported by a verifiable 
 need-to-know shall be submitted to:
  <addr-line><institution>US Army TACOM-ARDEC</institution></addr-line>
  <addr-line>Attn: AMSRD-AAR-AIC-S, Bldg 12</addr-line> 
  <addr-line><city>Picatinny</city>, <state>NJ</state> 

Example 2

  <std-org std-org-type="sdo" std-org-role="lead">
   <std-org-name>American Petroleum Institute</std-org-name>
    ><addr-line>1220 L Street, N.W.</addr-line>