
Conference Name (in a citation)

Within a citation (such as a <mixed-citation> or an <element-citation>), the full name of a conference, including any qualifiers such as “43rd Annual”.


Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

<ref id="ref_5">
 <mixed-citation publication-type="paper"
    <surname>Halloran</surname></string-name>, and 
  <article-title>Floating Collections &mdash; Is 
   it time for your library to convert?</article-title> Presented at 
  <conf-name>Colorado Association of Libraries Conference</conf-name>, 
  <conf-date iso-8601-date="2007-11-09">November 9, 2007</conf-date>. 
  Presentation slides available at: 

Example 2

 <mixed-citation publication-type="paper"
   <etal>et al.</etal></person-group> 
  <article-title>From ERIC source documents to abstracts:  
   A problem in readability</article-title> Presented at the 
  <conf-name>Rocky Mountain Education Research 
   Association</conf-name>, <conf-loc>Tucson, AZ</conf-loc>,
  <conf-date iso-8601-date="1973-11-29">November 29, 1973</conf-date>. 