
Standard Reference Designation

<std-ref> contains the value (as a string) of one standard reference designator, for example, “ISO 9001:2015”. This designator typically consists of an originator or SDO-abbreviated name (e.g., “ISO”) and a standard number or identifier (such as “9001”), and it may also include a year (such as “2015”) or other information that uniquely identifies a given standard.


Usage: The <std-ref> element can be used in two contexts:
  • Within the metadata of a standard (inside <std-meta> or <iso-meta> or similar), the standard designation element <std-ref> names a designator for the current standard and is typically provided twice, once in dated and once in undated form.
  • Outside the metadata, when a standard is mentioned within the prose of a standards document, the element <std> is used to hold the designation and other information for the standard being cited. Inside that <std> element, the element <std-ref> may be used to identify the designator of the cited standard and/or separate it from other information concerning the standard, such as the standard’s title.
Best Practice Content: Although many elements are allowed inside a <std-ref>, Best Practice is to make the content just text. For Best Practice, the elements that are allowed in <std-ref> should be tagged as part of the <std-ident> element, leaving <std-ref> as a simple string.
For Best Practice, a deep link to another standard (in which a figure, table, or similar internal structure from the other standard is the target of the link) should be tagged using the element <std> rather than by using <std-ref>
Citing a Correction or Amendment Best Practice: When a correction or amendment is referenced, it is Best Practice to include the full reference in <std-ref>, e.g.
<std-ref>ISO/IEC 1989: 2002/Cor.3:2009</std-ref>
Type Attribute: The several forms of reference designation (dated, short, etc.) should be distinguished using the @type attribute.
Redundant in Metadata: Strictly speaking, the standard reference designation <std-ref> that is part of the metadata of a standards document can almost always be constructed from information present in the <std-ident> element, with the insertion of appropriate spacing and separators. But even as part of the metadata, it can be convenient to have a precombined form of the identifier all together in one place.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

In the metadata of a standard:
 <std-ref type="undated">ISO 2560</std-ref>
 <std-ref type="dated">ISO 2560:2009</std-ref>
 <doc-ref>ISO 2560:2009(en)</doc-ref>
 <release-date iso-8601-date="2009-05-30" 

Example 2

A standard named in a “Normative references” section:
 <std><std-ref type="undated">ISO/IEC&#x00A0;17025</std-ref>, 
  <title>General requirements for the competence of testing 
   and calibration laboratories</title></std>
 <std><std-ref type="dated">ISO&#x00A0;15223&#x2011;1:2012</std-ref>, 
  <title>Medical devices&#x00A0;&#x2014; Symbols to be used 
   with medical device labels, labelling and information 
   to be supplied&#x00A0;&#x2014; Part&#x00A0;1: General 

Example 3

A standard named in text:
 <p>Guidance on this issue may be found in 
  <std><std-ref type="short">EN&#x00A0;1006</std-ref></std> (see 
  Bibliography [<xref rid="bib-3">3</xref>]).</p>
<p>... complying with 
 <std><std-ref type="dated">ISO&#x00A0;5356&#x2011;1</std-ref></std>.</p>

Example 4

A standard named in a “Bibliographic references” section:
<ref content-type="standard" id="ref3">
 <std><std-ref type="undated">EN&#x00A0;1006</std-ref>, 
  <title>Advanced technical ceramics&#x00A0;&#x2014;Monolithic 
   ceramics&#x00A0;&#x2014; Guidance on the selection of test 
   pieces for the evaluation of properties</title></std>
<ref content-type="standard" id="ref9">
 <std><std-ref type="undated">ISO&#x00A0;13399 (all parts)</std-ref>, 
  <title>Cutting tool data representation and exchange</title></std>