Conference Location (in a citation)
Within a citation (such as a <mixed-citation> or an <element-citation>),
the physical location(s) of a conference (for example, city, country, campus, organization location).
Best Practice: If the conference is in the United States, the state should also be provided. Do not include a specific venue or address (for example, the conference hotel), unless there is no other location information.
Model Description
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Address Elements
This element may be contained in:
<mixed-citation publication-type="paper"
<etal>et al.</etal></person-group>
<article-title>From ERIC source documents to abstracts:
A problem in readability</article-title> Presented at the
<conf-name>Rocky Mountain Education Research
Association</conf-name>, <conf-loc>Tucson, AZ</conf-loc>,
<conf-date iso-8601-date="1973-11-29">November 29, 1973</conf-date>.