
Page Count

Total number of pages in a work in print; by convention, each page or partial page is counted as one. Electronic-only works do not traditionally have page counts.


This element is used both within the metadata describing a standards document and inside the deprecated NLM citation element.
Best Practice Metadata Usage In the metadata for a standard, the <page-count> element can appear at two different levels: inside the <counts> element and one level up, directly inside one of the metadata container elements (<std-meta>,<iso-meta>, etc.) This double placement was necessary for ISO STS backwards compatibility. Best Practice going forward is to place the <page-count> element inside <counts>.
Best Practice for Counting: Although a NISO STS standards-producing organization could choose to record all the counts of objects in a standard using the <count> element, Best Practice is to use the specific count elements (<fig-count>, <equation-count>, <word-count>, etc.) whenever possible, using the <count> element only for ad hoc counts, organization-specific counts, standard-specific counts, and similar.

Related Elements

Inside the <counts> container element are the counts of various components of the document: the generic count element <count> (for which the @count-type names what is being counted) and the specifically-named counting elements:
  • <fig-count> is the number of labeled figures (see definition of <fig>). Do not include unlabeled graphics such as images embedded in table cells in the count of figures. Also do not make this the count of images referenced inside a figure, e.g., if a <fig> has four panels (a-d) and each is a separate image file, the <fig-count> is “1”, not “4”.
  • <table-count> is the number of tables. Do not include arrays or uncaptioned/untitled tables in this count.
  • <equation-count> is the number of display equations (<disp-formula>). Do not include inline equations in the count (<inline-formula>). If you have a display equation that consists of multiple MathML objects, this counts as one equation; the <equation-count> is “1”.
  • <ref-count> is either the number of references or (more properly) the number of citation elements within the bibliographic reference list. Do not include cases of <std>, <mixed-citation>, or <element-citation> elements that appear outside of <ref-list>.
  • <page-count> is the page count of the print or PDF item, including all Roman and Arabic number pages.
  • <word-count> is the number of words in the document.
When a count needs to be divided into sub-counts, e.g., color vs. black-and-white figures, use the specific count element <fig-count> for the total number of figures and then use separate <count> elements for the subsets, e.g.:
<count count-type="fig-color" count="3"/>
<count count-type="fig-bw" count="7"/>
<fig-count count="10"/>


Model Description

This is an EMPTY element

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

 <page-count count="48"/>

Example 2

  <fig-count count="1"/>
  <table-count count="7"/>
  <equation-count count="141"/>
  <ref-count count="163"/>
  <page-count count="151"/>