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iconsee <inline-graphic>


ICS Code/Description Wrapper

ICS Code Description

ICS Code Number




identificationsee <doc-ident>

identifiersee <award-id>see <contrib-id>see <elocation-id>see <ext-link>see <gov>see <institution-id>see <issue-id>see <journal-id>see <object-id>see <proj-id>see <pub-id>see <std-id-group>see <std-ref>see <uri>see <volume-id>see @assigning-authoritysee @contrib-id-typesee @document-idsee @document-id-typesee @elocation-idsee @ext-link-typesee @idsee @institution-id-typesee @journal-idsee @object-idsee @object-id-typesee @pub-id-typesee @publication-typesee @ridsee @source-idsee @source-id-typesee @std-idsee @std-id-link-typesee @std-id-typesee @vocab-identifiersee @vocab-term-identifier

identifier (XLink)see @xlink:href

identifier for the standardsee <std-id>

identifiers for this standardsee <std-ident>

IETF RFC 5646 language codesuse @xml:lang

illustrationsee <fig>

illustration, reference tosee @ref-type

imagesee @format

image, inlinesee <inline-graphic>

includesee <xi:include>

<index> Index


Index Division

<index-entry> Index Entry

<index-group> Index Group

<index-term> Index Term

<index-term-range-end> Index Term Range End

<index-title-group> Index Title Group


inferioruse <sub>

information classsee @subj-group-type

informativesee <annex-type>see <non-normative-example>see <non-normative-note>

informative annexsee @sec-type

Informative Annexsee <app>


Initials for Personal Names


<inline-graphic> Inline Graphic

<inline-supplementary-material> Inline Supplementary Material

inspectionsee @sec-type


institutional authorsee <collab>


Institution Identifier


Institution Name


Institution Wrapper

instructionsee <editing-instruction>

instructions, formsee @form-type

international postal codeuse <postal-code>

International Standard Book Numberuse <isbn>

International Standard Linking Serial Numberuse <issn-l>

International Standard Serial Numberuse <issn>

International Workshop Agreement documentsee <doc-type>

interpretation-infosee @sec-type

intra-document identifiersee @id


introductionsee @sec-type

Introductory Title Part

Introductory Title Wrapper


is (International Standard) documentsee <doc-type>

<isbn> ISBN


islenskuse @name-style


ISO-8601 Formatted Date

Is Object a Form


ISO Numeric Emphasis

ISO-Specific Document Identification Section

ISO-specific Language Designation

ISO-specific Metadata

ISO-Specific Name For a Standards Development Organization

ISO-specific National-Body Metadata

ISO-Specific Project Identifier

ISO-specific Regional Metadata

ISO-Specific Release Version ID

ISO-specific Standard Identifier (for a citation)

ISO-Specific Uniform Resource Name

ISO STS 1.1 as the basissee Basis

isp (International Standardized profile) documentsee <doc-type>


issnsee <issn-l>


ISSN (in a citation)


ISSN-L (Linking ISSN) (in a citation)

issuance-info notesee <meta-note>




Issue Identifier (in a citation)

Issue Number (in a citation)

Issue Number of a Related Article


Issue Part (in a citation)


Issue Title (in a citation)

<italic> Italic

item, definition listuse <def-item>

item, listsee <list-item>

item contentsee <list-item>

item numbersee <label>

iwa (International Workshop Agreement) documentsee <doc-type>

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