Standard ID
One identifier (such as a DOI, URN, standard designator, or standards organization’s
internal document ID) for a standard,
using the @std-relationship-type attribute to name the
type of identifier (such as dated or undated designations).
Several <std-id> identifiers may be grouped into a container element <std-id-group> to indicate that they are alternative identifiers for the same standard. For example, such a group could contain: one <std-id> containing a DOI, a second <std-id> containing a URN, and a third containing a standards-producing organization’s internal-processing identifier. Thus each <std-id> (with its attributes) can be used inside the <std-id-group> element to support the coupling of identifiers, such as the designator and the URN, and to describe this relationship.
Model Description
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
This element may be contained in:
... <std ><std-ref>ISO 9001:2015</std-ref> <std-id-group> <std-id std-id-type="dated" std-id-link-type="doi" originator="ISO">10.9999/ISO-9001:2015</std-id> <std-id std-id-type="dated" std-id-link-type="doi" std-relationship-type="std-adopted-from" originator="EN">10.9998/EN-ISO-9001:2015</std-id> <std-id std-id-type="dated" std-id-link-type="doi" std-relationship-type="std-adopted-from" originator="BSI" >10.9998/BS-EN-ISO-9001:2015</std-id> </std-id-group></std> ...