

A note with normative content that is integrated in the text of a standards document, used for giving additional information intended to assist the understanding or use of the document or lifecycle or adoption status.


A “note” within a standard may be either normative (<normative-note>), non-normative (<non-normative-note>), or a metadata note (<meta-note>) and are typically labeled “Note” or similar.
ISO Note: There are no normative notes in ISO standards; all notes are non-normative (<non-normative-note>).

Related Elements

This Tag Set contains several elements that are notes or may be used to group notes:
A note with normative content that can be part of the narrative text or inside one of the notes grouping elements in the body text, front matter, or back matter of a standard or adoption.
A note with non-normative content that can be part of the narrative text or inside one of the notes grouping elements in the body text, front matter, or back matter of a standard or adoption.
A section containing notes that may appear in the front or back matter of a standard or adoption.
A headed (titled) group of normative or non-normative notes and examples within the narrative body of a standard or adoption.
A note within the metadata of a standards or adoption document, as opposed to the other note types that occur within the front matter, body, or back matter of a document.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:


 <normative-note id="N1">
  <p>A minimum slope of ...</p>
 <normative-note id="N2">
  <p>A maximum slope of ...</p>
 <non-normative-note id="N3">
  <p>It is not necessary to ...</p>