
Size (in a citation)

Size of a resource or object described in a bibliographic reference or related object description. The @units attribute must be used to name the units of measure (for example, minutes, hours, linear feet, pages).


Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more

This element may be contained in:


 <mixed-citation publisher-type="gov"
  ><person-group person-group-type="author"
    <given-names>John C</given-names></string-name>, 
   <aff>Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX</aff></person-group>. 
  <gov>Report No.: NIH-N01-HV-5-3006-4-VI. Contract No. 
   N01-HV-5-3006</gov>. <source>ALVAD: 1980. A comprehensive 
   final report to NHLI</source>. Vol. <volume>1</volume>. 
  <publisher-loc>Bethesda (MD)</publisher-loc>:
  <publisher-name>National Institutes of Health, National Heart 
   and Lung Institute, Devices and Services Branch</publisher-name>;
  <month>01</month> <year iso-8601-date="1980-01">1980</year>.
  <size units="pages">340</size> p. Available from: NTIS,
  Springfield, VA; PB80-148810</mixed-citation>