One exchange in a real or imaginary conversation between two or more entities, for example, between an interviewer and the person being interviewed, between a nurse or doctor and a patient, between a person and a computer, etc. Each time a new speaker takes over, a new <speech> starts, which names the speaker (<speaker>) and then contains one or more paragraphs (<p>) that hold what speaker said.
This element may be contained in:
<ack>, <app>, <app-group>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <disp-quote>, <fig>, <glossary>, <index>, <index-div>, <index-group>, <license-p>, <named-content>, <non-normative-example>, <non-normative-note>, <normative-example>, <normative-note>, <notes>, <p>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <styled-content>, <supplementary-material>, <table-wrap>, <term-display>, <term-sec>