
Reference to an Identifier

Value of the identifier of an associated element; used for internal links of related elements. For example, an <xref> can point to the @id of a figure (<fig>).

Used on Element: <index-term-range-end>

An identifier (IDREF)Must point to an existing identifier within the standards document.
RestrictionThis attribute is required; it must be provided if the element is used.

Used on these Elements:

An identifier (IDREF)Points to the existing identifier within the standards document.
RestrictionThis is an optional attribute; there is no default.

Used on these Elements:

One or more identifiers (IDREFS)Points to one or more existing identifiers within the standards document.
RestrictionThis is an optional attribute; there is no default.


<sec id="s5_1">
 <title>Two approaches to addressing accessibility in 
 <p><xref ref-type="fig" rid="f1">Figure 1</xref> provides 
  a graphical summary of how this Guide can be used.</p>
 <fig id="f1" orientation="portrait" position="anchor">
  <label>Figure 1</label>
   <title>Two approaches to address accessibility in 
  <graphic xlink:href="g3658.jpg"/>