<std-xref> Cross-Reference to a Standard
Used within one of the standards metadata elements to identify, and possibly provide
a link to, another standard. This element is used to name a related standard, for
example, a standard that has been revised, amended, or replaced by the current standard.
Relationship to Standard Citation
The <std-xref> element is part of the metadata of a standards document, where it is used to mention
and/or point to a related standard, for example, a standard that this standards document
amends. In contrast, when a standard is mentioned within the prose of a standards document, the element <std> holds the designation and other information for the standard being cited. Inside
the <std> citation, the element <std-ref> may be used to identify the designation of the cited standard and separate it from
other information concerning the standard.
The @type attribute can be used to indicate the relationship between the current standards
document and the standard being referenced. For example, the value “amends” indicates that this is a reference to the standard which the current document amends,
and the value “revises” indicates that the reference is to the standard which the current document revises.
The typical <std-xref> element contains just the designator of the standard (tagged as a <std-ref>) and an attribute to explain the relationship to the standard being mentioned. To
tag a full citation to a standard, Best Practice is to use the <std> element.
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- One or more of any of:
- <release-date> Release-Date, zero or more
- <meta-date> Other Metadata Date, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT std-xref %std-xref-model; >
Expanded Content Model
((std-ident | std-ref | std-id-group)+, release-date*, meta-date*)
Tagged Samples
Showing <std-ref> within <std-xref>
<reg-meta originator="CEN" id="profile.reg">
<std-xref type="supersedes">
<std-ref>EN ISO 13849-1:2006</std-ref>
<copyright-statement>All rights of exploitation in any form
and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Showing use of <std-id-group> within <std-xref>
<std-xref type="revision_of">
<std-id std-id-type="dated">ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-10</std-id>
<std-id std-id-type="dated"
std-id-link-type="doi">10.1115/ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-10</std-id>
<copyright-statement>ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society
of Mechanical Engineers.</copyright-statement>
<copyright-holder>THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS</copyright-holder>
<p>Major changes for the 2013 edition include: Requirements for ...</p>