<sdo> ISO-Specific Name For a Standards Development Organization
For ISO-specific processing, indicates the standards development organization from
which this document emanates. (The NISO STS Tag Set recommends using the <std-org> or the <originator> element to hold this information.)
This element is specific to ISO-related standards processing and may be used only
inside <doc-ident> within <iso-meta>, <reg-meta>, or <nat-meta>. The element is retained for backwards-compatibility purposes.
ISO Note
When used for ISO-related processing, the <sdo> element (which appears as a child of the <doc-ident> element) will usually have the same content as the <originator> element (which appears as a child of <std-ident>).
Also within ISO standards documents, the textual sub-components of <sdo> are closely related to the fields of ISO URNs as documented in RFC 5141 (from which
some of the text describing them is borrowed). Content of this element is expected,
though not required, to be:
(International Organization for Standardization)
(International Electro-Technical Commission)
(ISO/IEC joint work)
(ISO/CIE joint work)
(ISO/ASTM joint work)
(ISO/IEEE joint work)
Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT sdo %sdo-model; >
Expanded Content Model
Tagged Sample
ISO-specific, inside <iso-meta>
<title-wrap xml:lang="en">...</title-wrap>