<std-org> Standards Organization Description
A container element to hold the organization name, abbreviated name, and location
information for one of the standards organizations responsible for publishing or adopting
the standard.
The <std-org> element provides a descriptive name and location information about the publisher/adopter
of a standards document, in the same way that the element <publisher> in JATS provides name and location information concerning the publisher of a journal
One Organization Per Element
There may be several standards organizations responsible for a standards document,
and each will be named in a separate <std-org> element.
Part Played
The @std-org-role attribute can be used to record what part the standards organization played in the
standard, such as “lead”, “co-producer”, etc.
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- <std-org-name> Standards Organization Name, zero or one
- <std-org-abbrev> Standards Organization Abbreviated Name, zero or more
- <std-org-loc> Standards Organization Location, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT std-org %std-org-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(std-org-name?, std-org-abbrev*, std-org-loc*)
Tagged Sample
Typical <std-org> with name, abbreviation, and location
... <std-org-group> <std-org std-org-type="sdo" std-org-role="co-producer" std-org-level="1"> <std-org-name>American Society of Mechanical Engineers</std-org-name> <std-org-abbrev>ASME</std-org-abbrev> <std-org-loc ><addr-line>2 Park Ave.</addr-line> <city>New York</city> <state>NY</state> <postal-code>10016</postal-code> <uri>https://www.asme.org/</uri></std-org-loc> </std-org> <std-org std-org-type="sdo" std-org-role="co-producer" std-org-level="2"> <std-org-name>American Petroleum Institute</std-org-name> <std-org-abbrev>API</std-org-abbrev> <std-org-loc ><addr-line>1220 L Street, N.W.</addr-line> <city>Washington</city> <state>D.C.</state> <postal-code>20005</postal-code> <uri>http://www.api.org/</uri></std-org-loc> </std-org> </std-org-group> ...