<release-version-id> ISO-Specific Release Version ID
Typically used for CEN and CENELEC, this element contains the technical key (unique
identifier) in the CEN PROJEXDATA (a service that allows CEN NSBs to download essential
project data in XML format) that identifies a standard release version. The CEN standard
release version is the version of a standard which corresponds to a major stage of
progress of the standard development process (milestone).
The <release-version-id> can be useful for linking to other metadata sources (i.e. PROJEXDATA).
ISO Note
This element is currently specific to ISO-related Regional standards processing and
is provided for reasons of backwards compatibility. It has always been allowed inside
<reg-meta>, and it is now allowed inside other elements to provide ISO Regional users with a
migration path to using <std-meta> without metadata loss.
Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT release-version-id %release-version-id-model; >
Expanded Content Model