<date> Date (in a citation)
Within a citation (such as <mixed-citation> or <related-object>), this
element names the publication date of the cited source. All other dates within a citation
should be tagged as <date-in-citation>.
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- Optionally any one of:
- The following, in order:
- <day> Day (in a citation), zero or one
- <month> Month (in a citation), zero or one
- <season> Season (in a citation)
- The following, in order:
- <year> Year
- <era> Era (in a citation), zero or one
Content Model
<!ELEMENT date %date-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(((day?, month?) | season)?, year, era?)
Tagged Sample
Publication date in citation
<mixed-citation publication-type="journal"
<surname>Wiley</surname></string-name>, and
“<article-title>Towards Transparent and Scalable OpenURL
Quality Metrics</article-title>.”
<source>D-Lib Magazine</source>,
<date iso-8601-date="2011-03">
<volume>17</volume>(<issue>3/4</issue>). doi:
<pub-id pub-id-type="doi"
>http://dx.doi.org/10.1045/march2011-chandler</pub-id>. Available at: