<boxed-text> Boxed Text
Textual material that is part of the body of a standards document but is outside the
flow of the narrative
text (for example, a sidebar).
The <boxed-text> element can be used for any text insert whether enclosed in a box or not (for example,
marginalia, sidebars, cautions, tips, warnings, note boxes).
When Content is a Form
The @is-form attribute can be used to indicate that the text box contains a form. What constitutes
a “form” is not defined by NISO STS.
orientation (default = portrait)
position (default = float)
Models and Context
May be contained in
<ack>, <app>, <app-group>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <disp-quote>, <glossary>, <index>, <index-div>, <index-group>, <license-p>, <named-content>, <non-normative-example>, <non-normative-note>, <normative-example>, <normative-note>, <notes>, <p>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <styled-content>, <tbx:crossReference>, <tbx:definition>, <tbx:entailedTerm>, <tbx:example>, <tbx:externalCrossReference>, <tbx:note>, <tbx:pronunciation>, <tbx:see>, <tbx:source>, <tbx:term>, <tbx:usageNote>, <term-display>, <term-sec>
Model Description
The following, in order:
- <object-id> Object Identifier, zero or more
- <label> Label of a Figure, Reference, Etc., zero or one
- <caption> Caption of a Figure, Table, Etc., zero or one
- Any combination of:
- Paragraph-level Display Elements
- <address> Address/Contact Information
- <array> Array (Simple Tabular Array)
- <boxed-text> Boxed Text
- <chem-struct-wrap> Chemical Structure Wrapper
- <code> Code Text
- <fig> Figure
- <fig-group> Figure Group
- <graphic> Graphic
- <media> Media Object
- <preformat> Preformatted Text
- <supplementary-material> Supplementary Material
- <table-wrap> Table Wrapper
- <table-wrap-group> Table Wrapper Group
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- Standards Note and Example Elements
- <disp-formula> Formula, Display
- <disp-formula-group> Formula, Display Group
- <editing-instruction> Editing Instruction
- Lists
- Math Elements
- <p> Paragraph
- Related Material Elements
- <disp-quote> Quote, Displayed
- <speech> Speech
- <statement> Statement, Formal
- <verse-group> Verse Form For Poetry
- <fn-group> Footnote Group
- <glossary> Glossary Elements
- <ref-list> Reference List (Bibliographic Reference List)
- Paragraph-level Display Elements
- Optionally, the following sequence (in order):
- One or more of any of:
- Section Elements
- Any combination of:
- <fn-group> Footnote Group
- <glossary> Glossary Elements
- <ref-list> Reference List (Bibliographic Reference List)
- Standards Note and Example Elements
- One or more of any of:
- Any combination of:
- Ownership Elements
Tagged Sample
Excerpt of MIL-STD-967 showing use of boxed text to illustrate two alternative notes

... <p>... without updating the existing inactive for new design notice. When an inactive for new design document is revised or a change issued, one of the following notes shall appear in a box beneath the document title, as applicable: <boxed-text> <p>This document is inactive for new design.</p> </boxed-text> <boxed-text> <p>This document is inactive for new design. Refer to (fill in document identifier) for new designs.</p> </boxed-text> </p> ...