<reg-meta> ISO-specific Regional Metadata
This element is a container element for metadata specific to or produced by an ISO-related
regional standards body. This element contains any regional-organization-specific
overrides to the metadata described for the whole standards document (<std-doc-meta>) as well as the organization-specific metadata for the regional standards body.
Best Practice
Organizations that have not used ISO STS in the past, should use the NISO STS element
<std-meta> instead of the element <reg-meta>.
Inside an Adoption
The element <reg-meta> cannot be used inside the front matter for an adoption (<adoption-front>); only <std-meta> may be used at the top level of an adoption. The element <reg-meta> can be used in the front matter of a standard (<front>).
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- <title-wrap> Title Wrapper, zero or more
- <doc-ident> ISO-Specific Document Identification Section, zero or one
- <std-ident> Standard Identification Block, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- <content-language> Content Language, zero or more
- <std-ref> Standard Reference Designation, zero or more
- <doc-ref> Document Reference Designation, zero or one
- <pub-date> Publication Date, zero or one
- <release-date> Release-Date, zero or more
- <meta-date> Other Metadata Date, zero or more
- <wi-number> Work Item Number, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- <secretariat> Secretariat, zero or more
- Any combination of:
- <subj-group> Subject Group, zero or more
- <page-count> Page Count, zero or one
- <counts> Counts, zero or one
- <std-xref> Cross-Reference to a Standard, zero or more
- <release-version-id> ISO-Specific Release Version ID, zero or one
- <permissions> Permissions, zero or more
- <self-uri> Uri For This Same Article Online, zero or more
- <abstract> Abstract, zero or more
- <kwd-group> Keyword Group, zero or more
- <meta-note> Metadata Note, zero or more
- <custom-meta-group> Custom Metadata Group, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT reg-meta %reg-meta-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(title-wrap*, doc-ident?, std-ident?, (std-org | std-org-group)*, content-language*, std-ref*, doc-ref?, pub-date?, release-date*, meta-date*, wi-number?, (comm-ref | comm-ref-group)*, secretariat*, (ics | ics-wrap)*, (subj-group)*, page-count?, counts?, std-xref*, release-version-id?, permissions*, self-uri*, (abstract)*, (kwd-group)*, meta-note*, custom-meta-group*)
Tagged Sample
ISO-specific, showing typical contents
<reg-meta originator="CEN" id="profile.reg">
<title-wrap xml:lang="de">
<intro>Sicherheit von Maschinen</intro>
<std-ref type="undated">EN ISO 13849-1</std-ref>
<doc-ref>EN ISO 13849-1</doc-ref>
<release-date iso-8601-date="2008-06" date-type="published"
<std-xref type="supersedes">...</std-xref>