<legend> Legend

A list or table of the explanations for symbols, characters, terms, or abbreviations, where each entry in the list names a symbol (or similar) and provides a gloss for that symbol. Such lists act as a key to the symbology of a graphic, figure, or table.


Legends typically accompany figures or tables to act as a key to the symbols, characters, or abbreviations used in the graphic, figure, table, etc. Such lists may show a heading such as “Key” (“Légende” in French, “Legende” in German). Legends may also be called “where lists”, “keys”, “variable lists”, “legends”, “symbol charts”, etc., with the exact list heading given as the <title> of the <legend> element.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  legend       %legend-model;                               >
Expanded Content Model

((editing-instruction)*, label?, title?, (def-list | list | array | non-normative-note | normative-note | table-wrap | p)*)

Tagged Samples
Key to a Figure (as a table)
<fig id="fig_5" fig-type="figure">
  <title>Heater energy inputs, outputs and energy balance</title>
  <table-wrap id="tab_b" position="float" content-type="fig-index">
   <table width="408">
    <col width="18.71%"/>
    <col width="81.29%"/>
      <td valign="top" align="justify" scope="row">LRH</td>
      <td valign="top" align="justify">Heater energy balance boundary</td>
      <td valign="top" align="justify" scope="row">HF</td>
      <td valign="top" align="justify">Heating fluid balance boundary</td>
 <graphic xlink:href="005"/>
Key to a Figure (as a 2-part list)
<fig id="fig_A.1" orientation="portrait">
 <label>Bild A.1</label>
  <title>Anwendungsbereich von <xref ref-type="bibr" 
    rid="nla-nat-5">DIN 25463-2</xref>, DWR</title>
 <graphic xlink:href="1234"/>
Legende to a Figure (as a 2-part list)
<fig id="fig_4" orientation="portrait">
 <label>Bild 4</label>
  <title>Reaktionsketten zur Berücksichtigung der 
   Neutroneneinfangreaktionen an Spaltprodukten im 
   Differentialgleichungssystem (<xref ref-type="sec" 
  <def-list list-type="key">
   <def-item specific-use="normal-para">
     <p>Siehe <xref ref-type="fig" rid="fig_3">Bild 3</xref> und:</p>
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