<alt-title> Alternate Title (in an Index)

An alternative version of the title of an Index or a grouping in an Index. Such a “different” title is typically created so that it can be processed in a special way, for example, a short version of a title, an ASCII-only title, a right-running-head title, etc.


This element has nothing to do with naming the title of a standards document. See <title-wrap> for tagging standards titles.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  alt-title    (#PCDATA %alt-title-elements;)*              >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | num | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-code | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | tbx:entailedTerm | xref | sub | sup | break)*