
External Source

The <tbx:xSource> element is a hyperlinking element that points,through the @xtarget attribute, to an external source of information.


Content/Display: Typically, this element will be rendered in the published text with the label “See:” before it. The element content should contain the desired display text of the link:
<tbx:xSource xtarget="http://www.example.com/source/dictionary.html">Dictionary definition</tbx:xSource>
Linking: The required @xtarget attribute will hold the URI for the actual link.


Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters

This element may be contained in:


The <tbx:xSource> provides a link to the <tbx:source>:
<tbx:termEntry id="ISO10241-1.a210.14">
  <tbx:langSet xml:lang="en">
    <tbx:definition>any event or series of events that disrupt ecosystem, community, or population
      structure and alters the physical environment</tbx:definition>
    <tbx:source>U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. <italic>Terms of Environment: Glossary,
      Abbreviations and Acronyms</italic> online, viewed 2010-07-29].</tbx:source>
    <tbx:xSource xtarget="http://www.epa.gov/OCEPAterms/dterms.html">Available from:
      <tbx:term id="a210.14-1">disturbance</tbx:term>
      <tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>