
Language of an Element

The @xml:lang attribute specifies the language of the content of the element with which it is associated. It is most often associated with the <tbx:langSet> element, to specify the language of all the child elements in a language section. However, it can be associated with virtually any element to specify the language of the content of that element. For additional information see NISO STS @xml:lang element.


Use the values found for “language” in the IANA language subtag registry. Do not use deprecated values. Do not combine script and region values with the language value; use the separate @script attribute, and the <tbx:geographicalUsage> element.

Used on Element: <tbx:langSet>

Text, numbers, or special charactersAn abbreviation for a natural language (such as “en” for English or “de” for German).
RestrictionThis attribute is required; it must be provided if the element is used.

Used on these Elements:

Text, numbers, or special charactersAn abbreviation for a natural language (such as “en” for English or “de” for German).
RestrictionThis is an optional attribute; there is no default.


Providing the language codes for languages sets in different languages:
<tbx:termEntry id="ISO10241-1.a23.311">
  <tbx:langSet xml:lang="en">
    <tbx:definition>numerical reference that indicates whether the flow will be laminar or turbulent
      for a given set of conditions</tbx:definition>
      <tbx:term id="a23.311-1">critical Reynolds number</tbx:term>
      <tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
  <tbx:langSet xml:lang="fr">
    <tbx:definition>référence numérique indiquant si un écoulement est soit laminaire soit turbulent
      pour un ensemble de conditions données</tbx:definition>
      <tbx:term id="a23.311-2">nombre de Reynolds critique</tbx:term>
      <tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
      <tbx:grammaticalGender value="masculine"/>
  <tbx:langSet xml:lang="de">
    <tbx:definition>numerische Bezugsgröße, die anzeigt, ob die Strömung unter definierten
      Bedingungen laminar oder turbulent ist</tbx:definition>
      <tbx:term id="a23.311-3">kritische Reynoldszahl</tbx:term>
      <tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
      <tbx:grammaticalGender value="feminine"/>