Document Hierarchy Diagrams

Key to the Near & Far Diagrams

Element Occurrences

../graphics/nf-elem-opt.gifOptional. May occur zero or one times.
../graphics/nf-elem-plus.gifRequired, repeatable. May occur one or more times.
../graphics/nf-elem-mul.gifOptional, repeatable. May occur zero or more times.

Additional Symbols Associated with Elements

../graphics/nf-elsewhere.gifElement content is expanded elsewhere in the diagram.
../graphics/nf-attributes.gifThe element has attributes.
../graphics/nf-collapse.gifOne or more elements collapsed for clarity
../graphics/nf-root.gifElement is the root element of the model.
../graphics/nf-pcdata.gifText, numbers, and special characters

Grouping Elements

../graphics/nf-req-seq.gifRequired sequence: Element1 followed by Element2 followed by Element3
../graphics/nf-or-seq.gifChoice of sequence: Element1 or Element2 or Element3

Compound Examples

../graphics/nf-compound1.gifZero or more repetitions of Element1 or Element2 or Element3 followed by zero or one occurrences of Element4
../graphics/nf-compound2.gifZero or one occurrences of either Element1 followed by Element2 followed by Element3 or one or more occurrences of Element4
../graphics/nf-compound3.gifEither one or more repetitions of Element1 followed by Element2 or one or more occurrences of Element4

Subsidiary sections:

Top level element: Term Entry (Concept Entry)

Language Set

Term Information Group (TIG)