Term Entry (Concept Entry)
The <tbx:termEntry> element is the root element for a terminological entry, which contains all the elements, and their attributes, that describe a concept and all the terms that denote that concept, potentially in several languages.
Content: The <tbx:termEntry> element is often referred to as the “concept level” of the entry. At this level, only external-type references (references that point to locations outside of the document) plus the various <tbx:langSet> elements are allowed.
ID Attribute: The @id attribute is a unique inside-the-document identifier that can be used to point to the term entry from other entries.
Model Description
The following, in order:
- Any combination of:
- <tbx:langSet> Language Set, one or more
For the elements that may contain this element, see documentation for NISO STS
Example 1
Containing a single <tbx:langSet>:
<tbx:termEntry id="ISO10241-1.a22.32">
<tbx:langSet xml:lang="en">
<tbx:definition>reference level for soundings in navigation charts</tbx:definition>
<tbx:term id="a22.32-1">chart datum</tbx:term>
<tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
<tbx:normativeAuthorization value="preferredTerm"/>
<tbx:termType value="fullForm"/>
<tbx:term id="a22.32-2">CD</tbx:term>
<tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
<tbx:normativeAuthorization value="admittedTerm"/>
<tbx:termType value="acronym"/>
Example 2
Term Entry containing multiple <tbx:langSet>s:
<tbx:termEntry id="ISO10241-1.a23.311">
<tbx:langSet xml:lang="en">
<tbx:definition>numerical reference that indicates whether the flow will be laminar or turbulent
for a given set of conditions</tbx:definition>
<tbx:term id="a23.311-1">critical Reynolds number</tbx:term>
<tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
<tbx:langSet xml:lang="fr">
<tbx:definition>référence numérique indiquant si un écoulement est soit laminaire soit turbulent
pour un ensemble de conditions données</tbx:definition>
<tbx:term id="a23.311-2">nombre de Reynolds critique</tbx:term>
<tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
<tbx:grammaticalGender value="masculine"/>
<tbx:langSet xml:lang="de">
<tbx:definition>numerische Bezugsgröße, die anzeigt, ob die Strömung unter definierten
Bedingungen laminar oder turbulent ist</tbx:definition>
<tbx:term id="a23.311-3">kritische Reynoldszahl</tbx:term>
<tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/>
<tbx:grammaticalGender value="feminine"/>
Example 3
Term Entry in context within a <term-sec>:
<sec> <label>3</label> <title>Terms and definitions</title> ... <term-sec> <tbx:termEntry id="iso_9000_2005_en_term_3.1.6"> ... </tbx:termEntry> ... <tbx:termEntry id="iso_9000_2005_en_term_3.9.9"> <tbx:langSet xml:lang="en"> <tbx:definition>person with the demonstrated personal attributes and <tbx:entailedTerm target="iso_9000_2005_en_term_3.1.6">competence (3.1.6 and 3.9.14)</tbx:entailedTerm> to conduct an <tbx:entailedTerm>audit (3.9.1)</tbx:entailedTerm></tbx:definition> <tbx:note>The relevant personal attributes for an auditor are described in ISO 19011.</tbx:note> <tbx:tig> <tbx:term>auditor</tbx:term> <tbx:partOfSpeech value="noun"/> </tbx:tig> </tbx:langSet> </tbx:termEntry> </term-sec> ... </sec>