

Non-TBX tagging of term and definition entries, which may be appearance-oriented or tagged semantically with terms, definitions, parts of speech, etc.
This element is intended to be tagged in display sequence, as a supplement or alternative to the more structured <tbx:termEntry>.


Tagging Terms and Definitions in NISO STS: There are two very different strategies for tagging terms and definitions. Both structures occur optionally inside a Term Section (<term-sec>) in NISO STS standards or adoption document: one is TBX and the other is a simpler, less powerful TBX-alternative.
  • TBX: TBX is a concept-oriented encoding of terminological data. The TBX element <tbx:termEntry> models a term using the TBX-namespaced vocabulary and ontology for terms, which can record information about any number of synonymous terms in multiple languages. For usage information and contents, see the documentation for ISO TBX at https://www.iso.org/schema/nisosts/v0.2/doc/tbx/index.html. The TBX vocabulary is derived and extended from ISO 30042
  • Term Display: The NISO STS element <term-display> uses natural language to describe terms, and may OR MAY NOT incorporate semantic term elements such as definition (<def> and part of speech <part-of-speech>). Semantic tagging is encouraged, but nothing is enforced.
An organization can choose to use one or the other or; the two encodings may appear side-by-side as equivalents. Processes that deal with NISO STS documents should be prepared to see either (or both) forms of a term entry and to use one or the other (or both) as appropriate.
Term Display: The <term-display> element is a more appearance-oriented encoding of terminological data that may be used when:
  • By a standards organization that chooses not to employ TBX,
  • When is difficult to generate the desired formatted display from a TBX entry, or
  • For backfile conversion, in cases where it is difficult to create a useful TBX term entry from an appearance-oriented input document.
The looser term display description of a term and its definition (potentially containing nothing but undifferentiated text) was designed to:
  • Enable tagging term and definition content in the sequence in which that content appears in the standards document;
  • Enable, but not require, tagging of the principle semantic components of term and definition sections (such as the term, the definition, related elements, part of speech, etc.);
  • Enable tagging that will allow extraction of terms and definitions for use in glossaries containing terms and definitions from many standards; and
  • Make tagging existing terms and definitions easier (in some senses) than using the more structured TBX tagging.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

<sec sec-type="terms">
   <term>Acquisition Management Systems Control (AMSC) Number</term>
    <p>A control number assigned by the ASSIST Automated Document Number Module
     which indicates that a data item description (DID) or a defense
     specification or standard that cites DIDs has been cleared for use by 
     the DoD.</p>
    <p>The official database containing information about standardization
     documents (to include DIDs) used in the DoD. ASSIST also provides 
     electronic access to government documents included in the 
     database over the Internet. ASSIST can be accessed at
     <ext-link xlink:href="https://assist.dla.mil/online/start/">

Example 2

 <term-sec id="sec_2.2.5">
  <tbx:termEntry xmlns:tbx="urn:iso:std:iso:30042:ed-1" id="term_2.2.5">...</tbx:termEntry>
  <term-display id="h2238-33">
   <part-of-speech norm-part-of-speech="noun">noun</part-of-speech>
   <related-term related-term-type="acronym" rid="h2238-33.a">HW</related-term>
    <p>hefplatform bestaande uit een werkplatform en 
     een hydraulische hefinrichting gemonteerd op een zelfaangedreven 
    <p>Zie <std><std-ref>EN 1777</std-ref></std>.</p>