

International Standard Book Number, the international code for identifying a particular product form or edition of a publication, typically a monographic publication, but standards documents are frequently assigned ISBNs.


Within an ISBN, spacing, hyphens, and punctuation should be preserved.
ISBNs can be assigned to books, reports, standards documents, conference proceedings, and dissertations. The <isbn> element can be used to record all such numbers inside bibliographic citations (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>). Within a mixed-style citation, the text “ISBN:”, if present, should be kept as text within the citation but not placed inside the <isbn> element. Within an element-style citation, the text “ISBN:”, if present, should be removed from the citation and also not placed inside the <isbn> element.


Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

As part of metadata for a standard:
 <year iso-8601-date="1993">1993</year>

Example 2

As part of metadata for a standard:
 <isbn publication-format="HTML">978-1-937522-68-1</isbn>
 <isbn publication-format="PDF">978-1-937522-69-8</isbn>
 <issn specific-use="National Information standards series">1041-5653</issn>
 <year iso-8601-date="2015">2015</year>

Example 3

As part of a citation:
<p>... This method for string collation was described 
with tables in 
 <mixed-citation publication-type="book"
  ><source>R&egrave;gles du classement alphab&eacute;tique 
   en langue fran&ccedil;aise et proc&eacute;dure 
   informatis&eacute;e pour le tri</source>, 
  <collab>Minist&egrave;re des Communications du 
   Qu&eacute;bec</collab>, <year iso-8601-date="1988-08-19"
  >1988</year>-<month>08</month>-<day>19</day>, ISBN 
A public-domain subkey reduction technique is described 
(with several examples) in 
 <mixed-citation publication-type="book"
  ><source>Technique de r&eacute;duction &mdash; Tris 
   informatiques &agrave; quatre cl&eacute;s</source>, 
  <collab>Minist&egrave;re des Communications du 
  <year iso-8601-date="1989-06">1989</year>-<month>06</month>, 
  ISBN <isbn>2-550-19965-0</isbn></mixed-citation>. 
See also ...</p>