
Data Title (in a citation)

Within a citation (such as a <mixed-citation> or an <element-citation>), the title of a cited data source such as a dataset or spreadsheet. As <article-title> is to articles, <data-title> is to data sources such as datasets and spreadsheets.


Since datasets can contain very complex relationships, this element may describe different levels within a data collection. In any one citation for a data store, it may be necessary to use both multiple <data-title> elements as well as one or more <source> elements.


Model Description

This element may be contained in:


 <mixed-citation publication-type="data">Xu, J. <etal/> 
  <data-title>Cross-platform ultradeep transcriptomic profiling 
   of human reference RNA samples by RNA-Seq</data-title>. 
  <source>Sci. Data</source> 
  doi: <pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1038/sdata.2014.20</pub-id> 
  (<year iso-8601-date="2014">2014</year>).</mixed-citation>