<originator> Originator

Indicates the short form of the name of the standards-development organization from which the standard emanates (for example, “ISO”, “IEC”, “ASTM”, “DIN”, “CEN” “ASME”, “IEEE”, and similar).


The <originator> is only one of the ways to name an organization responsible for a standard or adoption. A standards organizations could choose to name the organization more completely using the <std-org> or <std-org-group> elements. Inside these two elements, the element <std-org-abbrev> holds the short form of the name of the standards-development organization. The older <originator> element has been retained for backwards compatibility.
Relationship to <std-ref>
This short name is usually also the first part of the standard designation (<std-ref>) for this standards document, thus “<originator>ISO</originator>” would match “<std-ref>ISO 2560:2009</std-ref>”.
ISO Note
For ISO documents, expected content for this element includes the following: “iso”, “iec”, “iso/iec”, “iso/cie”, “iso/astm”, and “iso/ieee”.
Related Elements
ISO Note: The <originator> element appears as a child of <std-ident>. For ISO-related standards, the <originator> will have the same content as the <sdo> child of the <doc-ident> element.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Model Description
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Tagged Sample

Inside <std-ident> as part of <iso-meta>

<iso-meta id="profile.int">